Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kingston, Ottawa & Quebec

Howdy Fellow Blogonians,

So after Toronto we headed to Ottawa. Fair amount of driving that day. We had a mid morning break at the Big Apple. Sadly not the mega city but a roadway apple pie shop. Hmmmmmm apple pie. I wish I could say hmmmmmmm coffee bit the coffee here ain't that great. Same thing as my last trip overseas - I'm missing the local cafes. Aussies must have a much stronger taste for coffee as the coffee over here is pretty weak.

Next we arrived at Kingston. Kingston was one of the English's orgianl forts and it was built to fend off the Americans. At one point it was considered for the capital of Canada. Now it house a military academy and several jails. Pretty nice spot nice on the river. Below is the town hall.

Next stop was Ottawa - the actual capital of Canada. It was a bit of a surprise actually - far nicer than I had imagined. The very large parliament complex of buildings was to say the least impressive.

Ok I'm due for the bus so have to hurry. Below was our hotel....super swish blogonians!

Presentky I'm in Quebec and about to head out to explore the city.

Ok that's it for now - will blog some more later in the day.

Russ over and out.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day The 1st


Okay fair enough so I prolly can't get away with typing 'meh' each day and posting pictures and then claim that its a blog. But I had to try!

So anyways flight to LA was long but good company and plenty of episodes of 30 Rock and Big Bang Theory helped pass the time. LAX is an absolute joke - our plane of weary travellers turned up at customs and immediately 2 of the 5 staff decided that is was a good time for a coffee break. Needless to say the line was not happy. The Americans were prolly wondering why there were so many Jan's in the line ;).

Following that debacle I was slightly horrified to discover that Americans do actually wear terry towelling tracksuits in real life and not just bad movies. My fashion sense isn't exactly keen but 'gahh'!

Then onto Toronto (or Torrono as the locals pronounce it) - hotel - super swish and classy - I'm liking the whole travel in style concept!

OK so far I've typed keys about everything but the first day - so today started out with a drive around the city - very nice - lot of university buildings, cool china town and the glass edifices of the banking sector. Aside from the weather seems like a great place to live.

Pic (click for bigger) below is one the main roads and the place they hold a lot of their parades and such.

Went up the CN tower - awesomely high - but sadly the weather has been cold and misty so the view out over the city wasn't that great. But still was great to go up and have birds eye view of all the stuff I had just driven around.

Then it was down to Niagra Falls. W.O.W.. I'll give you a pic but words and pics won't do it justice so I'll just leave it at that.

Interesting fact - banks are idiots. This bank couldn't have the tallest building due to city regulations. So they decided to have the shiniest. So they made all the glass for the building with real gold dust as part of the mix. These are the types of folks we trust our money with. Mine's back into the mattress when I get home.

Oh and squirrels are cool.

Russ over and out.